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巍世網路今日宣布,《神界 Online》預定 4 月 25 日正式展開公開測試,同步開放眾多新功能。  巍世網路今日指出,配合遊戲 25 日正式上線,遊戲商城將同步開放,玩家除了可玩到原先封測階段內容外,官方一併開放了謊言系統、夢幻裝備、夢幻神獸、轉生系統、神像供奉、公會戰、礦戰系統及結婚系統等功能。  其中,遊戲特有謊言系統,主要是神界中傳說「當一百個人同時說一句話的時候,那句話就會變成現實」,當玩家將一句謊言在城市中散播開,有一百個玩家看到這句話,那這句謊言將成為現實,玩家可以獲得謊言成真的好處;至於謊言都是記錄在謊言卷軸上,玩家可藉由完成特殊任務或者向其他玩家交易購買獲得。  遊戲同時具有師徒系統,當每個等級達到 60 級並且擁有三級種族頭銜的人物,最多可以認領 4 名剛出生等級必須為 5 級以下的新手玩家,作為隊長組隊並完成師門任務後,即可與 4 名新手玩家確立師徒關係,當確立師徒關係後,任何一個徒弟以後每升 1 級,師父都將獲得當前經驗值千分之一的經驗獎勵。  另外,雲起今日也宣布,正式取得回合制線上遊戲《神界 Online》香港代理權,將以免費制及發售商城虛寶為主要營運方式,讓香港玩家體驗這款遊戲樂趣。  《神界 Online》 25 日正式在台公測。

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    hard. Pith smooth frothed from her fuzz-slit, trickling down into her

    "No, no, no!"

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    none. Hank stood between her and the staircase, his long belt doubled
    in one hand. He had slipped it from his Levi's earlier. He doubled it,
    tapping the looped extreme lightly against at one thigh. Now he was advancing
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    terrible-looking zone against his thigh steadily. That repulsive, bad
    wolf-like look in his eyes made the woman the chills with horror. Raising
    both hands, she rubbed her fingers briskly against her meat, feeling
    goose-bumps rising. A draft from somewhere blew through her hair. In
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    "No!" Betty gasped.

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    slapping together. She half ran, half hew down on the unbroken concrete
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